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COF Negative to Feeders



The USDA COF report is negative feeder cattle futures. Feeder futures are trading above the index. Who knows with the light volume next week, it is possible but probably not likely to see the new CME margin limits tested.

dairy cows farm business


It appears packers are purposely reducing this week’s kill.  Killing fewer head has helped to keep beef prices from falling. They can keep lighter cattle in the feedlot. The spread between choice and select shows they want the higher grading choice cattle and the heavier cattle that last week brought the top premium prices.



Compared to Friday June 14th the CME Lean Hog Index was down $1.99.  The CME pork cutout index  Friday $99.03.  The 5 day average for loins was down $2.09 and hams were  down 5 cents. Bellies were down on the 5 day average $8.26 compared to a week ago. Federal hog slaughter was up 39,000 hogs and year to date slaughter is up 554,353  hogs. Exports down 34% on the 4 week average likely disappointing to traders.


>>Read full report here



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