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US Dollar Index Falls


The U.S. dollar index fell to a four-week low despite the Federal Reserve suggesting two more quarter-point rate increases by the end of the year.

Dollar Bill

Hourly labor costs in the euro area increased by 5.0% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2023, easing from a 5.6% increase in the previous period.

The British pound advanced to its highest level since April 2022, as investors look forward to the Bank of England’s upcoming monetary policy meeting on June 22. There are expectations of the Bank of England resorting to further interest rate hikes in response to ongoing inflationary pressures.

The Bank of Japan kept its key short-term interest rate unchanged at -0.1% and that of 10-year bond yields at around 0% in its policy meeting today by a unanimous vote.


S&P 500 and NASDAQ futures hit a new annual high today.

The 9:00 central time June consumer sentiment index is expected to be 60.0.

Wednesday’s “hawkish pause“ from the Federal Open Market Committee meeting had only a temporary and muted bearish impact on stock index futures.

Futures continue to overperform the news.


Traders are currently anticipating the next rate hike, and possibly the last one, will take place at the July meeting.

Financial futures markets are predicting there is a 72% probability that the Federal Open Market Committee will hike its fed funds rate by 25 basis points at the July 26 meeting, and there is a 28% chance that the fed funds rate will remain unchanged.


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